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Weather Upheavals

Marcel Dion
August 25, 2024


It goes without saying that we are currently living through a turbulent era in world history. We can surely all see and feel the rumblings of what has been prophesied to be a "Great Shaking"! But all though it is evident that the darkness is on the rise, and has been for some time, God remains the Lord of history, and we firmly believe that this great shaking which has just begun is preparing us for a great awakening!


As Linda explained in her recent post, this 'great shaking' is taking place on several fronts; political, financial, judicial, educational, to name a few. But one of the most visible and unmistakable areas through which we are seeing this is on the weather front. Not only are incidents of weather storm disasters considerably on the rise, but the magnitude of those disasters are increasing as well. What are we to make of this trend? This phenomena can be more easily understood if we consider it from a Catholic worldview.


St Paul tells us that "creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God...because creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God" (Romans 8:19, 21). Creation, as we know, was adversely affected by humanity's fall from grace, by SIN. But creation itself has not rebelled from God as we have, and somehow knows/understands that we have been promised a "new heaven and a new earth!" And creation longs for that promise to be fulfilled.


Therefore, when humanity (on the whole) is in rebellion against God and indifferent to His ways - as much of the planet is now - creation rebels against us, in an attempt to restore itself under the dominion of God! The storms and disasters are not a punishment from God, but rather a salutary consequence to our sin, in order to shake us up and wake us up from our rebellion, indifference, or whatever it may be that is keeping us from confident trust in our loving Father instead of prideful reliance upon our own fallen resources.


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