Magnificat Wonders
From before the foundations of the world God has had the most incredible desire to "communicate His own divine life to us, in order to adopt us as daughters and sons" (CCC 52). As an integral part of that plan, He calls us to collaborate with Him in getting the word out to others about the amazing desire He has for intimacy with each and every one of us. In order to equip us for this mission, He imparts to us the Holy Spirit who comes "fully loaded" with supernatural gifts and charisms (Eph. 4:11 & 1 Cor. 12-14) . We see this in the life of the apostles who "went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it" (CCC 2 and Mk 16:20).
All of the baptized faithful are called to live the ""fulness of their vocation" by living their lives "in the Holy Spirit" (CCC 1699). All of us have been equipped to collaborate with the Holy Spirit in spreading the Gospel and building up the Kingdom of God on earth so that we may be instruments of God's miraculous interventions in the lives of His children. Responding to that call and grace in our lives and learning about the ways God deals with His children is a great and wondrous adventure. Being a Spirit-filled Christian is definitely never dull, never lacking in interest, never boring!
In the videos below, you will find a variety of testimonies of God working in and through the lives of ordinary folks like you and me. These miracles and wonders manifest how we can collaborate with the Holy Spirit to bring healing, wisdom, freedom and whatever other benefit to our families, friends, co-workers and neighbours, even complete strangers! They will build up your faith and encourage you to wade out even further into these spiritual waters. They illustrate various charisms in simple, day to day scenarios that all of us find ourselves in, and show how eager God is to intervene in and through our lives to manifest His love and draw others to Himself.
God has created us with a purpose and destiny! He has given us a sphere of influence that can impact the lives and eternal destinies of those whose paths we cross: "For you are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that you should walk in them." (Eph 2:10) In essence, we become co-creators with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who are always eager to intervene into our personal, national and global affairs in order to change the course of history, for the better.
Marcel Dion:
Signs of the Times:
In this section of Magnificat Wonders, our videos address more specifically the times in which we live. On the one hand, men are plotting and scheming in order to advance their own agenda for a world without God, or rather a world in which they are gods! On the other hand, God remains undaunted, ever in control, and always speaking His word to those who have ears to hear, always at work in the lives of those who have eyes to see, and always available to those who have hearts to seek Him.
By the grace of the Holy Spirit we can be among those who have been equipped and trained to "interpret the signs of the times" (Matt 16:4), to collaborate more fully in "strengthening what remains" (Rev 3:2) thereby further establishing His Kingdom in our lives and upon the earth!