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A Storm is Coming

Linda Dion
January 12, 2025
Baptism of the Lord

Early Christmas morning, I was given a dream about a huge brown bear roaming around and I was trying to get people to safety.  The bear wasn't exactly on the prowl, looking to hunt down people, but the sense I had in the dream was that if he even felt the least bit threatened, he would then attack.  


I began to pray into the dream, asking the Holy Spirit to elucidate the meaning, but I was also asking the Lord why He'd given me this negative dream on Christmas morning, a day that is usually a time of feasting and celebration!  He responded by giving me another dream, the very next night, into the morning of the 26th and that dream wasn't any better!

The dream began with Marcel and I outside on a big property that looked a bit like the one we'd had in Brantford. It felt like we were more in a side yard than in a backyard and it seemed like we had another person with us.


We were setting up a big screen T.V. to enjoy a bit of rest in a restful, peaceful atmosphere, just as dusk was setting in.  We were setting up chairs and were in the process of hooking things up.


Then Marcel and I moved aside on the property so that we were closer to the street.  From that vantage point, which was land that was a bit more elevated, we could see very far over the city buildings and trees and immediately saw that the whole sky in the distance was covered with dark grey clouds that also had a tinge of brown to them.  The whole horizon was covered with them and it felt like "dirty rain" was coming.  It was still clear above us but the storm was inevitably coming our way.


We immediately decided that it was time to go in and the dream ended with us peacefully but quickly dismantling our set-up to seek refuge inside the house, with the feeling that it wouldn't be very long before the storm was upon us. 


I couldn't find a picture that would do justice to the dream.  The clouds I saw were like a wall over a city, filling the horizon, and they were mostly that dark grey with a tinge of brown like in the first picture.  

In this dream,  Marcel and I are with a friend, looking for rest and relaxation at the end of a work day. We are setting up the T.V. to watch a good film and enjoy this time together out under the stars as dusk is settling in.  However, we see that a huge storm is approaching and we know that we must go indoors for safety.


The message in this dream is very clear with no ambiguity; there is a storm coming and it's very close.  Its effects will be widespread because in the dream, the storm clouds covered the entire horizon. This storm is also definitely not of God because the colours were dark and oppressive.


The clouds were mostly dark grey with a tinge of brown.  The two colours, taken in their negative, point to the fact that this assault will come from the combination of human activity (brown) with the demonic realm (dark grey).  They point to a form of humanism or a humanistic ways of thinking and doing that will unite with the demonic realm to oppress the people of God and all people of good will.  There will be a "system" to this attack that will create a dark "atmosphere" because in the dream, it really felt like it was a "weather" "system" that was coming our way.  


Marcel and I believe that through this dream, the Lord is telling us two things.  One; that something nefarious is about to be unleashed upon us, therefore it is time, more than ever to be prepared spiritually and mentally for some difficult and dark times ahead.  Two; that there might not be as many occasions for rest and relaxation as we previously had.  We will need to seek safety and security in the Lord and we will need to pray even more so that we may obtain the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide us in this difficult season.  We will need Holy Spirit strategies to effectively battle this enemy assault and this will take much time and effort.


A backyard will often symbolize something about the past and the front yard usually points to something in the future.  But a side yard means that whatever is being shown in the dream is pretty much in the present.  Therefore, since Marcel and I were standing in the side yard when we saw the coming storm, it means that this "weather system" is pretty much upon us.​


We know that many of you have been hearing the same thing from the Lord and have been preparing for this season for a long time now.  We have issued a few posts relating to this such as "Something is Coming" and "The Great Shaking", so that more people could be made aware of what was coming and be prepared.  


The coming season will be a very difficult, but we should not be afraid.  The Lord is a Mighty Warrior and He will stand by us to be our help and our shield.  As demonic activity increases, Marcel and I believe that we will see a great increase in angelic intervention.  We both hope that we will see angels one day!


The time to stand firm is upon us but the Lion of Judah is with us. He will roar!  And He will pour out his Holy Spirit in a new Pentecost.  (See "The Phone Call Dream" and "The Holy Spirit Dream").


Marcel and I have been praying into this dream since I received it on December 26, 2024, asking the Lord to guide us and to let us know when to release it. We are doing so now because there is a sense of urgency to this dream.  Peace, but urgency.  A few days ago, we had a priest friend come over for a meal and on that occasion shared the dream with him.  The next day, we got a text from him telling us that on his way home afterwards, he put on the audiobook of the Lord of the Rings and heard this: "The storm clouds are gathering"!​  We felt the Lord was confirming His word and giving us a heads up as to the plans of the enemy.  


This dream isn't just a dream.  It's a prophetic message that is meant to get us ready spiritually, mentally and also physically for what is imminent. It's also a call to repentance and intercession.  â€‹â€‹


As to "The Bear" Dream of Christmas morning, I'm still asking the Lord about that one and He has yet to reveal its full meaning.  But I do pay special attention to dreams given to me on specific feast days, because they are especially important.


Luke 21:28

When these things begin to take place,

stand erect, hold your heads high,

because your liberation is near at hand.


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