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Welcome! We're honoured to have this opportunity to serve you. We believe that you've been led here by the Holy Spirit and that the Lord has something personally to impart to you through these resources. For more than four decades, we have pursued a deeper relationship with the Lord and this website as well as our YouTube channels - Magnificat Ministries and Marcel Worship Him - are intended to reflect the fruit of those decades of study, prayer and ministry.  We hope that these resources will encourage and support you in your own pursuit of the Lord.


Our apostolate is founded primarily on the following five areas relevant to spiritual growth:

- The Call to holiness.      

- The Interior life and prayer.      

- The Holy Spirit and charisms.      

- The Power and priority of praise and worship.     

- The Significance of dreams and how to interpret them biblically.  

We hope you'll subscribe (see below) and visit often.

Praise & Worship


This is a beautiful prayer set to a beautiful melody. May the Lord hear and answer this cry of the heart in each of our lives!  (New)

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This is a simple but powerful song invoking the Holy Spirit; if you feel the need to be refreshed or restored or desire the fire in your heart to be rekindled, this song is for you! (New)

Jesus, We Trust in You

This song is the result of a collaboration with Matt Devine, Fr. Tim's brother. While visiting with his family he played the chorus for me and asked if I had any ideas for some verses. I began playing along with him and within minutes a melody and words came to me. Matt came up with the bridge. 

Prophetic Insights

Tennessee Repents TN

Tennessee Repents. Godly legislators in Tennessee beseech their people to seek the Lord in repentance and faith for healing and restoration. (New)

The Great Shaking TN

The Great Shaking. We believe God will soon shake the nations and awaken His people. (New)

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Something is Coming. We share what we believe the Lord is saying at this time. (New)


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Esther 1:12. What important thing did Mordecai do after he woke up from his dream? (New)

Birds TN

Dreams of Birds. Birds.  They can be good or bad, a blessing or a curse. (New)

Prayer is Warfare TN

"Prayer is Warfare" Dream.  A lion comes into a classroom and speaks three words to one of the students. 


Psalm 72 TN

Psalm 72:7-8

Luke 2_19 TN

Luke 2:19

Jesus to St. Mechtilde TN

Jesus to St. Mechtilde

Interior Life & Prayer

Whom Will We Trust

One of our favourite quotes from the Catechism is the following: "Man, tempted by the devil, let his trust in his creator die in his heart..." (par. 397) So how do we, unlike Adam and Eve, come to that great place of trust in our heavenly Father's goodness?

A New Level of Trust

Trust is at the very heart of spiritual growth. Unfortunately, due to the Fall, we can sometimes miss the signs of positive spiritual growth that the Lord sends us. This video touches on that reality; a terrific word of encouragement!


Many feel that they are repeating the same patterns and becoming stuck in a spiritual rut. What is needed is the revelation of the Holy Spirit to expose the hidden roots that keep us in bondage.

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to 'go deeper' into your relationship with Christ Jesus the Lord
and fulfill your mission and destiny in Him.
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Thanks for joining us!

Marcel and Linda Dion

Ottawa, Ontario


Magnificat Ministries is a Canadian registered charity

Charity Registration Number 865901763RR0001

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