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Bl. Marie-Eugène of the Child Jesus

  "To our sophisticated and bored civilization, which has lost the sense of the infinite and suffers from this, God has sent a child who, with the charm and luminous purity of her simplicity, brings us once more the eternal message of his love, namely, that he has created us out of love, that his love is still vibrant and all the more eager because of our desertion, and that he is waiting for us to love him and to let ourselves be loved by him like very small children.

Carmelite priest 1894-1967

   At each turning point in history the Holy Spirit places a guide; to each civilization as it arises he provides a master to shed his light....I affirm that Thérèse will be, in fact already is, one of the great spiritual teachers of the Church, one of the most effective spiritual guides of all times."



(St. Thérèse was made doctor of the Church in October 1997, by St. Pope John Paul II, affirming this prophecy.)

Under the Torrent of His Love, pages xxiv & xxv

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