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Called and enabled by the grace of God, Linda and I left our teaching careers, 28 years ago,

to serve the Lord and you, His people, on a full-time basis. Before long we were led to found Magnificat Ministries, a lay apostolate dedicated to helping the people of God in any way that

we could.  We placed ourselves, our lives, our gifts, and our work under Our Lady's banner, hoping to magnify God in everything that we undertook, just as she did in her great hymn of praise; the Magnificat. (Lk 1:46-55)


Our journey over all these years has been quite an adventure. Like Abraham, we stepped out in faith, "not knowing where we were to go"! (Heb.11:8) Like you, we've had our share of trials and challenges, but it's a life we would choose again. Our life has been incredibly rewarding with more than its share of joys and consolations! Our fervent hope is that through this website you may benefit from the experience, knowledge, and insights that the Lord has graciously granted us in our endeavour to build up His Kingdom and in our pursuit of a deeper union with Him.  


In the midst of the growing darkness and confusion of our post-Christian culture, Linda and I continue to meet men and women of faith and prayer who long for more; more of God Himself and more of the “abundant life” Jesus promised those who believe. (Jn 10:10) In simple terms,

we believe responding to that desire and need in others is at the heart of our mission.


We pray that the resources we're offering will inspire, encourage, equip and empower you to continue responding to the Lord’s call to “put out into the deep” (Lk 5:4); to keep moving forward, taking that next step, whatever that is for you, such that you will personally experience the ‘more’ that God constantly desires to pour out into your life. And of course, as you view our videos,

read our articles and ponder the images we share, we hope that your spirit will be stirred to respond in faith and love to His invitation to a deeper intimacy with Him and that His river of life will be released in your spirit in greater abundance.


Lastly, we hope and pray that you’ll taste something

of the fun and adventure pursuing holiness can entail,

thus enabling you to fulfill your destiny and mission

in Christ Jesus… with joy! 


Gratefully in His service,


Marcel & Linda Dion

Welcome Friends!

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