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"Do not be afraid.


Do not be satisfied


with mediocrity.


Put out into the deep,


and let down your nets


for a catch."

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St. John Paul II

Pope 1920-2005

John Paul II image

Marcel - June 19, 2022 -Many are familiar with the quote where Jesus tells Peter to "put out into the deep" (Luke 5:4). Putting out into the deep has been understood in quite a wide variety of ways but St. John Paul II had a unique understanding of what this call can mean for us in our day and age. To highlight its significance, he placed that verse in the very first paragraph of the very first letter he wrote to close the year of the Great Jubilee 2000 and to inaugurate the new millennium:


"As this millennium begins, allow the Successor of Peter to invite the whole Church to make this act of faith [i.e. putting out into the deep], which expresses itself in a renewed commitment to prayer!" (NMI 38)


It is clear then that prayer is the action by which we are to put out into the deep of our life in Christ.

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